Friday, December 21, 2012

Tickled my fancy

Recent blog posts I liked
Tuesday Typeface: Mrs Eaves - Lovely, unexpected story

Births to mothers in their forties are less common now than in the old days Shows a major - & by some unexpected - effect of the Pill. Action then reaction. And see the hilarious  – or should that be infuriating - follow-up post from the same site: When regular old mothers aren’t old-enough looking

In Most Rich Countries, Women Work More Than Men - It’s the same the whole world over!

Hillsborough: are the panel’s procedures fair? – an important question

Should the Cox Proportional Hazards model get the Nobel Prize in Medicine?  - Well, if ARCH  can …

Is there an epidemic of plural abstract nouns?

A Tale of Two Welfare States A curious divergence (or should that be crossover) between the UK & US

Cellphone data helps pinpoint source of traffic tie-ups Very neat