Monday, July 04, 2011

Trivial sums

An interesting snippet from The Times’s trumpeting of the success of its new unfree web editions, to which the iPad app has been a major contributor.

Most buyers of an iPad earn more than £100,000 a year.

The same article says that 25 million iPads have already been sold worldwide.

Maybe Conservatives think that all of them live in Britain. Patrick Mercer, speaking about the decision to stop paying military musicians a fee when they play at sporting events & other non-military occasions, described as ‘trivial sums’ the amounts involved - usually £50 to £180 per player.

To be fair to Colonel Mercer he probably meant that the total sums involved are just mean cheese-paring cuts in the military budget, but at a time when Sainsbury’s are offering advice on how to feed a family of four for a week for only £50 (drinks & puddings extra) statements like that are in danger of reinforcing the idea that these politicians just have no idea of what life is really like for ordinary hard working people