Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Assorted memories

I have quite vivid memories of a concert which closed the proceedings of a sixth form conference organised by the Council for Education in World citizenship; a large part of the entertainment consisted of dances from various eastern European countries – the first, & I think perhaps the only, time I have been able to appreciate how very intricate & difficult these can be.

So a video link on Floating Sheep Software Sorting Algorithms and Hungarian Folk Dance immediately invoked those memories

A second memory flashed back too; a conversation with a colleague in the early 1980s soon after Amstrads first PWC home computer had become available. He was surprised that I did not have one; I said it was a dust trap which didn’t really do anything useful enough to justify giving it house room.

His final suggestion, after I had continued to turn up my nose at Christmas card lists & games, was You could investigate some of these interesting new ideas about sorting.

I was tempted, but stubborn with it. Well, if I do that I’ll probably just get too interested & spend all my time doing that instead of the things I'm supposed to be doing.

Now I can just sit back & enjoy the full range of exercises in the visualization of opaque software processes created at Sapientia University on the AlgoRhythmics section on YouTube.