Monday, July 28, 2008

Call of the running tide

Just south of Manchester Piccadilly station, on the eastern side of the tracks, there is a large yard which is used for the storage of freight containers

It looks like a large abstract with its flat rectangles of ever changing colours. Industrial geometry.

The colours change with the light, & grim grey overcast has always seemed to suit the rather battered & rusty nature of the surfaces better than bright sun

I have always loved to look at it & so I guess that is why this picture, by Bazuki Muhammad/Reuters, particularly caught my eye in the Times

The mind just boggles at the thought of packing all those containers like that. It barely looks stable. Can she cope with really heavy seas or does she just cruise up & down the Suez Canal in a rather stately fashion? Imagine driving a thing like that!

I am amazed to find that she has a crew of just 19 & travels between Asia & Europe. There is also a tracking map available to watch her progress. I am enchanted