Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You will die for my beliefs

I came across this savage poem by Simon Rae going through a Common Place book for 1991/2.

The title is All Purpose Late Twentieth Century Creed

It has even more force in the twenty first century

I believe in my beliefs.
Its my belief that my beliefs
Are truer far than your beliefs
And I believe that your beliefs
Are threatening to my beliefs,
So I’m defending my beliefs
And all who hold the same beliefs
Against your dangerous beliefs
And who share your false beliefs
Or what I think are your beliefs.
And I will die for my beliefs;
And you will die for my beliefs.

And what, in fact, are my beliefs
Beyond the complicating reefs
Of tedious theology
And arid ideology?
The usual: a divine Creator,
Whose love rings earth like the Equator;
Justice & the Rule of Law
(And giving hand-outs to the poor);
Respect, of course, for Mother Nature,
Care for every living creature;
And that in the pursuit of Peace
All wars (excepting mine) should cease