Monday, February 04, 2008

Just leave it all to Tony

I am absolutely passionate about this. I believe that the Middle East is a region in transition … It can go one of two places. One is where the economy becomes the cutting edge of globalisation …. Or it becomes a region dominated by … a wrong headed view of Islam … I keep saying we need a clever strategy …. One thing I do do, & I get criticised for it, is to state the Israeli view from time to time ….

I am completely in favour of Europe because I think that it is the future for Great Britain & all the countries of Europe

Quotes from interviews with Tony Blair published in Saturdays Times

So not to worry. He will sort out the Middle East before the next American President is inaugurated, when he will be free to graciously accept the European presidency . How very fitting that he should be relieved of all necessity of answering to an electorate or to parliament

This I (the one writing here) thinks that T Blair is a nutter, not because he 'does' religion (some of my best friends …) but because he seems to believe that, when he finally meets his maker to account for his actions, it will be the ultimate summit

Just the two of them

Comparing the scars on their backs

the one thing that John Prescott could get cabinet agreement to was that they should leave it to Tony - Lord Butler