Friday, September 28, 2007

At best a pyrrhic victory

My political predictions have always been rubbish, but here goes.

I do not know who might win a November election.

But Gordon Brown will not gain anything worth having.

Except, perhaps, 2 1/2 more years in power (in 2 1/2 years time) than he is guaranteed anyway.

There is no issue on which to vote. Especially now Blair has gone. Brown seems to be doing OK(ish). Not sure about Cameron.

All we will get will be political anoraks playing their tedious war games all over the airwaves.

So there will be a record low turnout, even if the weather is reasonably good

This, of necessity, means a greater variance around the national average swing. Greater unpredictability of outcome. Idiosyncratic local factors having proportionately greater effect. A hospital closure here, there a sitting MP who has got up too many local noses, an attractive new candidate over yon

So even if GB wins, no one except a political anorak will believe he has a mandate for anything very much at all, really